Culinary Courses for JNA Institute of Culinary Arts
-F.S. 105 / (Ch. 5- Nutrition)
Some of the founding principles behind learning how to cook, is learning why you cook. In "Nutrition", we delve into the 6 basic nutrients and how each have an impact on what we are cooking. It is also extremely important to understand the health factors of these six nutrients and how to build a balanced and nutritious meal.
Extra Credit
#1 - Nutrient Collage
Due Fri, Sept 13th
Menus, Recipes, and Cost Management
-F.S. 105 - Ch. 4 /Menus, Recipes, and Cost Management
There is a lot that goes on in a restaurant behind-the-scenes. To the guest, it appears to be a dance between the service staff and the kitchen to provide a truly memorable dining experience. Beyond this, certain measures are taken to ensure this dance goes without hiccup. Successful restaurants all begin with recipes for all their dishes. These recipes help shape the menus for the establishment. Utilizing cost management, a restaurant can know how to succeed and be profitable. Without proper Menus, Recipes, and Cost Control; a restaurant could struggle to achieve consistency, quality, and profitability.
One of the building blocks to becoming a great chef is mathematics. While a scary subject for some, it is extremely important for measurements, recipes, and costing. You will learn all of the measurements needed to becoming a chef.
#1 - Menus
Due Thu, Feb 25th
#2 - Recipe Conversion
Due Thu, Mar 11th
#3 - Food Cost
Due Mon, Mar 22nd
Exam Dates / Links
F.S. 104 - The Cooking Process - TBA
Extra Credit
#1 - Menu Design / Cost Analysis
Due Mon, Sept 16th